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CBD For Pets: What To Know About Benefits,

Jul 24

If you're a pet owner then you're aware that they are members of your family. As with all family members, deserve the best care. CBD is growing in popularity with pet owners who want to give their pets the many benefits of CBD. Cannabidiol (or CBD) is among the most significant compounds found in cannabis and hemp plants.

CBD is a potent health supplement that has numerous benefits, both for humans and pets. In this article, we will examine some of the primary ways that CBD could benefit dogs.

What is CBD?

CBD is abbreviated as cannabidiol. It is among more than 100 cannabinoids in cannabis and hemp plants. Contrary to THC, CBD does not possess any psychoactive effect. This means that it will not cause your pet to get "high."

CBD is a well-known choice due to its numerous health benefits. Some of the benefits include lessening anxiety, relieving pain as well as improving coat and skin health.

What Is CBD Do?

CBD works by interacting with the body's endocannabinoid system (ECS). The ECS is a system made of receptors that control numerous functions of the body, including sleep, appetite, mood and pain perception.

When CBD is ingested it bonds to receptors in the ECS. This interaction regulates many functions of the body, such as anxiety relief, pain relief, health of the skin and coat.

CBD for Dogs: Potential Health Benefits

There are numerous health benefits that can be derived from CBD for dogs. These potential benefits include anxiety relief, pain relief, and improved skin and coat health.

Many dogs suffer from anxiety. Both dogs and humans are able to get relief from anxiety with CBD. In one study, scientists found that CBD was able to decrease anxiety for dogs with separation anxiety.

CBD could also be helpful in treating different forms of anxiety, including fear of loud sounds (e.g. fireworks, for example) as well as social anxiety and general anxiety. It has been proven that CBD is used to alleviate pain. A study found that CBD can reduce pain in osteoarthritis dogs and enhance their quality of life.

Why Do Dogs Need CBD?

Dogs, like humans, are endocannabinoid creatures. They also have receptors inside their bodies that are able to communicate with CBD. The receptors are activated to regulate a variety of functions like pain, anxiety, inflammation and more.

The hemp plant makes CBD, which is a non-psychoactive compound. Although hemp is a part of the cannabis family of compounds, it has very low levels THC (the substance that gets people "high"). This means that CBD suitable for dogs to consume and also means that there is no risk of your pet becoming dependent or addicted on CBD.

CBD Side Effects in Dogs

Sideffects are rare and typically mild, however they may include dry mouth, drowsiness, and upset stomach.

Talk to your vet first before you decide to give CBD to your pet. Your vet can guide you on how to administer CBD as well as the right dosage you should use to meet your pet's weight and health.

CBD has been found to reduce anxiety in dogs. This is especially beneficial to those who suffer from separation anxiety or fears. CBD may also help alleviate inflammation and pain due to conditions such as hip dysplasia and arthritis.

It's also been proven to be effective in the treatment of seizures in dogs with epilepsy.


CBD is a safe and effective way to help your dog with a wide range of issues. From inflammation and pain to anxiety and seizures. If you're thinking of the use of CBD to your dog, be sure to talk to your veterinarian first. Your veterinarian will be able advise you on the right dosage for your dog's needs. Terry's Naturals has a variety of CBD products for dogs such as chews and oils. Visit our website today to learn more!