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Easy Exercises That You Can Practice To Prevent Stress

Jun 4

Easy Exercises That You Can Practice To Prevent Stress

One of the things that is most universal about humanity, is stress. No matter who you are, you have probably dealt with stress more than a few times. But how have you dealt with it? If you don't have a plan in place for how you will act in a stressful situation, it will be harder to handle. Here are some great stress-busting techniques, so that you are ready for your next stressful situation.

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If you have ever heard the saying that laughter is the best medicine, it's true! A great way to reduce stress is simply to laugh. Laughter is nature's way of reducing the levels of stress hormones in your body. Along with reducing stress hormones, laughter also increases the good hormones in your body like endorphins and neurotransmitters, all of which help to make us happy.


In order to keep your stress level under control, it would be wise to find something that you love doing. This will to keep your mind off of whatever may bring stress in your life. A little time out, if you will? This is important because many people need an activity that will help to give them an outlet, for their frustrations.


A great tip that can help you keep your stress levels down is to eliminate caffeine from your diet. Even though drinking coffee has become so popular these days, getting too much caffeine can have serious side effects. Cutting out caffeine will help you feel much less anxious.


Shake your stress away. Try this quick exercise. Sit or stand, stretch your arms out to your side, and shake your hands for around ten seconds. Shake them vigorously. While you are shaking, do some deep breathing. Just this short little exercise will help to relieve any tension in your back and neck and help to relieve some stress as well.


Gastrointestinal distress is a common reaction to stress. Acid reflux, a persistent feeling of nausea, and even problems with elimination can be our body's outward reaction to stress. Reduce the level of stress you are feeling and symptoms such as these will often be greatly minimized or even disappear entirely!


If you are at work and passing through a moment of great stress you should take a second to look at pictures of people and places that you really enjoy. This can help you to refocus on what is important and may even make the stressful situation feel a bit silly or useless.


Get some spearmint oil to reduce your stress. When you are feeling a bit overburdened, just place a small bit on your temples as well as your neck. Small things like homeopathic treatments may have a huge effect on your stress levels.


Making sure you know ahead of time how you will handle a stressful situation can take the edge off, when you are put in that position. By using these tips to calm down, you begin to take control of your feelings, even if you think it's impossible to control your environment.